Monday, April 10, 2006

Well As a Matter of Fact..

I did happen to get a perm on Saturday. I finally did it. I'm still a little nervous. I get compliments from everybody. Which shouldn't be too big of a suprise. i think once the curls loosen (?) I will love it. Right now I just really like it alot. As far as low maintence... It's everything I had dreamed it would be. Except for maybe the $75 I spent on it. I'll post better pictures later..

I must call it a night.. It's 3:15 and I can't seem to fall asleep.. It's because I am too excited.

I wish it was 2:45 in the afternoon.

I can't hardly wait to get pieces of my cervix cut off.

Must be nice.

ALOT of people are jealous of my good fortune.. (or glad they're not me, heh)

But I found the COACH purse I have been dreaming about for a good year and a half now at Dillards. It's $198.00. That's a little steep, but I think it's worth it. My mom is taking me to the mall after my cervix scrape to get me the purse for my birthday. (which by the way is right around the corner) Yay!!

Then we're going to Kelley's. My mom has been dying to go. So we're going. Yay!!


Anonymous said...

someone els's birthday is april 24th

Me said...

This is about ME! duh.