Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Robinson. (too bad I can't post music along with my entries)

He's the smaller wooden IKEA dinosaur formerly known as Jura.
Now don't let this picture fool you... Robinson and I are not totally cool with eachother.. I think it has something to do with me losing the bag he was in the day I purchased him & then forgetting about it for another 2 weeks, then finding him and acting like everything was cool.

Apparently, it wasn't.
During our scheduled 1:00am photo shoot, this nigga decides he's got something to say.
Come again?
Watch it buddy.. You need to watch your mouth.. I'm warning you..
F*CK THIS!! (this is when I got crunk)
Then so did Bella..

So Chloe suggested putting Robinson outside for the night.. Just so we all have time to cool off.

Naming the damn thing was stressful, I'm usually really good at picking out the perfect name.. So I let a certain someone pick the name..

He thought robinson would be a good dinosaur.


So I asked him to submit a 3-5 sentence explanation on his thought so I could post it.

And he writes: I met a dinosaur one day. He offered me a nice place to stay. "robinson's" the name he muttered in shame. I then hurriedly went on my way.

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