Monday, May 26, 2008

Usted herir mis sentimientos.

Probablemente no quería. En realidad, sé que usted no quería.

Pero, tiene usted razón. Soy todavía joven.

Gracias por escuchar a mí.

Gracias por permitirme llorar.

Gracias por ser humano.

Le deseo lo mejor.

Usted lo merece.

I wonder if you would understand that.. Don't forget my skills friend...

"Vamos a jugar por la playa"

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

50 divided by 2 = My Birthday!

That is what I want for my b-day! (which happens to be today)

I also received an e-mail from my pops. And it reads...

Happy birthday. I'm a bit slow so a gift will be coming in a few days. I've
been thinking that since I never see you guys perhaps we should at least
have dinner out on these occasions. What do you think?

I think.. That came out of nowhere & I'd definitely need to think about it..


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Go tell it on the Mountain...


What does She have that I don't?

I've been asking that one for years.



neat, huh?