Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I CAN"T SEE!!! what's wrong with me?

I'll tell you what's wrong. I've been stuck in this damn apartment for 300 days (aka 12 hours). YAY! I'm a bit hungry, I have 2 cigarettes left, i need a haircut and a puppy, I have no money, and my EYES are dying. I think it's because I haven't changed my contacts in a month, and I dont' have any new ones to put in, so therefore, this is a problem. My new name is Cecilia by the way. Well, to this one girl anyway. I'm not sure what to think about this one girl. I can't even think of her name to be honest. Cassidy? something like that. Anyway... I'm pretty sure she's around the age of 19 or 20, but she talks like a 1 year old. I get the feeling that she does this to be cute, and get attention. I feel bad for her. If I wanted attention, I would set myself on fire and run around this place singing FireStarter by Prodigy. But that's just me. Come to find out, she's one of those "ravers". So my critical comments on glow sticks,stomping, bad boy bill, pacifiers, beads and cuddle puddles didn't fly with her. She actually took offense. Whoa! So anyway, a little earlier she decided to invite herself over. After that, she decided to lean over my shoulder and butt in on my conversation I was having with my sister. Now if I wasn't so hung up on physical violence being the worst, most immature way of handling conflict, I would have kicked that bitches ass. (or try to anyway, im not very tough) So anyway... the reason i'm so agile is because everytime my sister would IM me back, that stupid girl would make some totally out of line & untrue comment suggesting that my sister is some kind of retard. YEAH! Let's not forget who talks like a baby to get attention from guys. (that aren't even cute) Anyway.. my sister IM'd me something about Chemistry and some equation, I forget. I just remember it had a lot of big words in it. So, the girl starts laughing, and goes "What's really sad is, this girl has no idea what she is talking about." (this is when I wanted to break the on her face)But I remained calm, and explained to her that my sister is everything but dumb. She's probably smarter than everyone in the apartment. And that's sad because there was about 8 of us. Her response.... "She's your little sister, she's a kid" (now Im pissed) I thought to myself... "who are you calling a kid, trick? You have the vocabulary and tone of voice of a 1 year old." Ya! I was also under the impression that she was trying to play buddy buddy with me, and talk bad about my sister. But I let her calmly explained to her that it would be best if she left, considering she wasn't invited in the first place, and that my sister is my best friend and I have alot of respect for her. Which is way more than I could even imagine saying about herself. I also let her know that there was no chance in hell that me and her could ever be friends, so she may as well quit trying. She's was only making herself look pathetic. And she wants to avoid that if at all possible, unless she decides to grow up and drop the whole toddler thing. And even then, I still wouldn't talk to her, so I told her not to come around me anymore. Well... I'm mad now and don't feel like discussing this anymore. Bye Bye for Now!