Sunday, September 05, 2004

I'm updating.... Big Deal. Only because I have no one else to talk to.

I ruined my mom's life.
I messed up my sister's boyfriends evidence for his court case. (on purpose mind you)
I probably upset my sister, and jeopardized her relationship with her boyfriend becaues of this.
I don't care for him right now.
I didn't really care for him the first time I ever met him.
I adjusted to that.
I let down my guard because I love my sister. She's my best friend.
I have the best boyfriend a girl like me could ever ask for. (well, most of the time anyway)
I am lucky to even actually be accepted by this boyfriend of mine.
I can't be with him anymore.
I lost my best friend.
I should start looking for a job. (is what my mom says)
I knew this would one day happen. (so did he, along with everyone else)
I just didn't realize it would hurt so bad.
I didn't think I would cause as many problems as it's caused.
I didn't think that I would be the person in which everyone blamed.
I know that no one is interested in what I have to say.
I know I am a bitch all the time, that's why no one wants to hear what I have to say.
I also know that.........
I am alone.
I don't think anyone really cares.
I have to live the rest of my life feeling guilty for all of this.
I will do it too.
I don't care about myself.
I care about my best friend, my only friend.
I am without.

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