Friday, August 29, 2008

Sucks when u can't trust yourself. Better off smokin Crack.


Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations to manifest. Similar to regret, it differs in that the individual feeling regret focuses primarily on personal choices contributing to a poor outcome, while the individual feeling disappointment focuses on outcome.[1] It is a source of psychological stress.[2] The study of disappointment—its causes, impact and the degree to which individual decisions are motivated by a desire to avoid it—is a focus in the field of decision analysis,[1][3] as disappointment is one of two primary emotions involved in decision-making.[4]

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Somethin' Different...

Now, this isn't like me to post a video that's not even a video really. But the words should be heard. And I didn't think posting the lyrics would really make an impact on ALL of my beloved readers.

Check Check Check, DOOD!

Say Word, Shon!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Can't lie 4 shit... heh.. today i didn't have to.

I've gone up and down the elevators of this place at least a hundred times in the last 3 days.

100 times too many.

haven't slept.

haven't eaten.

haven't been able to cry.


she should be at home with us.

don't know how much more of this i can take.

(not done yet)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Baby Boy

Everything happens for a reason I suppose.. We can sit around and cry & blame ourselves for this unfortunate tragedy. But we should remember him while he was with us, and trust that he's in a far better place. He touched the lives of everyone he knew. Sweetest dog a person could ever ask for. We're going to miss you Baby Boy, We Love you..

Our Baby Boy.. Gone, But Will Never Be Forgotten.
Rest in Peace.